Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Weird Dream (Again)

Well, Last night I had this strange dream. It was weird cause I remember it having to do with Lava and running for my life. Anyways I am not sure if it was once a movie or not but I was at the bottom of 10th street cause there was apparently a volcano erupting at the top of the hill (I don't know how or why, but fallow.. or don't)  so At the bottom we are hanging out at my friends moms house just chilling waiting for the hype to go down about the volcano business, and all of a sudden we get the okay to go out. We do and its like yay its okay to leave and go home. Well I went to the bottom of 10th street extension and looked up like what the heck. We couldn't go because it was blocked off.
So we all waited down there like okay, what to do what to do. So I start talking to some friends and looking around like hmm. So I walk towards the big barricade of soot and ash and obsidian and observe it as it is slowly cracking away. I realize that it is still very brittle and I turn around and run away as fast as I could (everyone else was running too but confused about why they were running)  eventually the wall broke and molten lava spewed from the cracks hissing and gobbling up everyone and everything in its path mutilating their bodies and boiling them to shreds until there was nothing left to see. Screaming in agonizing pain the screams slowly disappear and the lava still fast traveling towards me I sprint into a house that is vacant and wait for it to cool down. Eventually it did and I go outside to see more people out there like what the heck this is illogical, a lava stream flooded the streets and there are people out here? Oh well I just took it as a sign of rebirth.
Looking around i see something, it is a pack of warheads stuck in the lava. I WANT THE WARHEADS NOM NOM NOM NOM. Mmmmm Warheads. All of a sudden I hear water, I look down the ally next to 10th street and see a huge wave coming through throwing everything that is in its path with it, it was so synchronized with the street it was unreal. Staying in  a straight path undisturbed, yet so violent with rage and power it pushed everything through the path of the street obliterating all in its path to annihilation destruction. then it finally gets to us and pushes through the intersection like a crazy controlled train! not touching anyone who is on the side streets, but getting everyone who is in the middle street. I look around and see there are some people i don't like. So I grab them and push them into the pool of obliteration, and they swoosh away into the dark blue and disappear.  Then everyone starts pushing everyone in like it was some sort of sick game. Eventually the pool stops and everything that was still there falls to the ground hard, and crashing like tons of boulders. 
This is when I awoken to see it was all what I suspected, a dream. 


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