Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fasetimers...Alzheimer's evil cousin.

Well.. I know most everyone who reads this Blog is friends from my Facebook, and possibly their friends from their Facebook.. (auto correct does not correct Facebook as long as it is capitalized haha I suppose it is a part of the dictionary now)  anyways.. . Have you ever been so bored you run down through your status updates over and over and over again trying to find something that you may have missed?  I have... I think a new word for this could be Fasetimers...  yeah I said it Fasetimerz... It is a form of Alzheimer's, but instead of it attacking old people.. it attacks us... the young Facebook generation..  We need to help stop the spread of this deziese.. the early symptoms of this may include:

  • Boredom
  • Repetitive Reading of statuses
  • Going to like a status update that you already liked and accidentally un-liking it.
  • Watching a video that you may of seen before, but you are not sure so you watch it all the way through realizing that hey I watched this video.
  • Typing random letters on your status updates just to be able to create something new in your news feed so you do not have to see the same thing over and over again.
  • Walking away hoping for new material to show up, coming back realizing that there is a whole new slew of updates.. only to scroll down a little bit and see the old ones that you created before just to make something new. 
These are tell tale signs of Diabetus......... I mean.. Fasetimers... With your help we can get people unaddicted to Facebook.. and they can finally have a life...  I know I don't have one.. so someone please Reach out and STOP POKING ME!

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