Monday, January 23, 2012

Dear Cell Phones

Hey everyone, I know it has been a while.. yet again.. but anyways, its my life, my blog.. I never promised you a set amount of blogs a day.. so take it as i give them.. I can only process so much data in a day :P
Old Fashioned Phones

Cell phones, there are so many things I can focus on with cell phones, but first of all I am going to talk about the cell phone "message templates". These are designed to make cell phone typing easy, like say if you are at a meeting or something like that and you get a message, well instead of looking down and typing out the words "Sry hun, I am at a meeting at the moment get back to you later"  there is a pre-defined (or you can create it) template saying "I am at a meeting Get back to you later" or something like that.

The problem with this that I am having, is that it is supposed to be easier to use than just plain out typing the message. To be honest it is a-lot easier if you are the kind of person who has the ancient phones that has only a number pad (which i feel sorry for ya), but when someone has a "Smart phone" or a phone with the full "QWERTY" Keyboard on it, it is much simpler to just type it out than to go through all the steps to have to read the screen and click go here.. then go to another menu and finally you are at the template menu.. then you have to find the one you want to use, after that find who you want to send it to because by that time you have already exited out of you'r message that you were going to reply to. So basically what I am saying is that templates are hard to use (unless you have mapped it out in your head and use it constantly) and basically render useless, because no matter what you will be fiddling around with your phone during a meeting.

Maybe there is an app for it?
My suggestion?  Well almost all phones that I know of has the all famous speed dial, that you just push a set of numbers and the number you want comes up and you just hit call and it calls them. Well use this same tactic on the texting, but except of having it push a certain number, maybe have special keys called memory keys, so that you can set M1 up to say a certain thing M2 to say a certain thing.. (ect..) and then when you get a message all you would do is hit reply and then hit the M1 key to say "sorry cannot talk" then hit reply, simple as that :-)

Hope you enjoyed this, I know I did, tell me what you think and comment as always have a good one :)

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