Friday, January 13, 2012

Video games and my life.

Hey everyone. Does anyone play video games? A lot of people do, and some don't. Well here lately there was some sort of research trying to find out if video games are linked to depression. Personally I say no. I don't think that video games have much of anything to do with depression. I actually use video games as a way to cope with depression.
You may be wondering how that works? Well It takes me away from this crazy world that everyone else lives in and it throws me in the middle of a virtual environment that I can live out to my full potential, and do things I cannot do in real life. Maybe this is why I prefer to play RPG games or games with a decent story line in them, because I can be who I want to be and do what I want to do. It is like being something that I can deal with and cope with. I know this is unhealthy for the most part, but I look at it and see that real pain is no longer a factor in my life as long as I am staring down a screen of virtual monsters that keep me on edge constantly and then get a reward at the end for destroying them and saving the people that need saved. This is my virtual feel of accomplishment, I feel a bit happy for a few minutes.
Sometimes I am so deep into games that I forget to eat, and later I realize I am hungry but I just don't care. There are other things that I do to cope with depression, like hang out with people. I actually prefer this over video games because when I hang out with my friends I know that they are real people that have actual influence on my life that can make it better for me.

I will never misplace a virtual environment for the real deal, so you don't have to worry about me going around with a sword slaying bandits, or making random blocks of dirt to place down.  I like crafting my life, what do you like to do?  Please comment in the comment box and share it with your friends. I would like to know what you think. Thanks

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