Monday, January 2, 2012

Favorite AntiViruses

Hello everyone, In dedication to being mentioned on the Chris Pirillo Live New Years Broadcast for 2012 I would like to tell you about some of my favorite computer software that I need on my computer for it to preform the way I want it to.
All right now first I would like to talk about anti-viruses, I have two of them. The first one I have is Microsoft Security Essentials. I like it because for one, it is free, and two is because it has a nifty little feature on it that lets you modify how much CPU load it uses when it is doing a scan, so this makes it so you can scan, and run programs like normal. I normally have this set at 50 percent, just so it doesn't effect my games(all that much), or videos I watch on Youtube.

What happens in the sandbox Stays there
My second anti virus/Firewall is a nifty little program called Comodo AntiVirus/Firewall (this is also free). I like this program because of its spyware detector, its sandbox, and the firewall it has. The sandbox mode enables me to run a program in a virtual environment that restricts access to actual files on the computer, and when you exit the program from the sandbox it basically erases all traces of the file being in use. So for example, if you want to go to a website, but you are unsure it is safe you can run the web browser in the sandbox and  go to it, and if it is a virus then all you have to do is exit the browser from the sandbox and everything it put in the virtual environment will be erased. Cool program if I don't say so myself.

The reason I enjoy the firewall so much is because there is a list of programs that are accessed to the internet, and you can actually stop the traffic on that specific program/port. I know you can do this with other firewalls, but I believe Comodo has a more "User Friendly" version of this.

Now you may be wondering why do I have 2 anti viruses? and why isn't your computer slow as all get out? and how do they not interfere with each other causing the blue screen/ or problems? Well what I did was them both up so they do not scan certain files that contain the anti virus its self, because most anti-viruses detect other anti viruses as a virus, thus causing the infamous crash. My computer does not run slow basically because it is a quad core I7 PC, and it would take a lot more than 2 anti-viruses to slow it down.
Well this is on my anti-virus/firewall programs if I could choose only one I believe for the average user I would choose Security Essentials simply because it is easy to use, and does basically everything for you without annoying pop ups asking you if a file is safe or not, it knows!  

haha Have a good one everyone, Comment and or subscribe to my blogs, I am going to be writing another blog soon about some more software I like on my computer

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